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Next Xbox: what will Xbox Two be like and when will we see it?

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Comments (25)
  1. Ebba Terry II says:

    Will never happen. They have been toying with streaming games for a long time and failed miserably. I want to take my console / gaming with me.

  2. Kurt Kshlerin says:

    All I want in the next Xbox One are better graphics and a launch that isn't botched.
    I do NOT want TV removed. I do NOT want the all-in-one aspect removed. I LOVE the all-in-one aspect, but I'd rather MS said it was a game machine that can do all-in-one at launch, rather than say it's a all in one with games, like they did with the XO in 2013.

  3. Dr. William Shields III says:

    I still play the PS2. Sorry I didn't know games had an expiration date.

  4. Sheldon Auer V says:

    Not everyone shares your "whatever the cost" sentiment. A "top of the line" Nvidia GPU is around $500-600 on its own. A mid of the line GPU is around $300. We are just talking about one single component, let alone CPU, ram, storage, connectivity. If they are to keep their console price around the $400, something gotta give.

    And in 5 years, the graphical fidelity of games is going to be significantly higher on the PC, and VR would have probably already took off.

  5. Citlalli Walter says:

    The 560 ti is not more powerful than the xbox one gpu

  6. Arianna Kulas says:

    Just bring the console, problem solved hehe

  7. Uriel Jacobs DVM says:

    Microsoft needs to have a similar promotion with Kinect that it did with Windows 10. It needs to give it away for free for the first year. They also need to make sure they pay much more attention to the look and style this time around. It needs to be more physically appealing and possibly more "cool looking." They need to be working on their distribution system now. There is absolutely no reason for Sony in the first 6 months these consoles are out to have their console in more markets and get them there faster. Also, don't let anyone control your narrative. XBox should be in a much better position this time around. Like the difference between Windows 8 and 10. The Microsoft attackers will have far less people who believe their negative just to be negative spouting. Some other features like backwards compatibility are nice. Hopefully they'll be included, but I don't see it as a deal breaker. Who out there constantly plays games they've had for years unless there is no replacement? You have to win the perception ware, especially with so many people looking for any reason to be negative on Microsoft. Sony can't have a perceived advantage that really doesn't make any real world difference. Microsoft needs to make sure everything looks better on paper than what Sony is offering, even if they have to wait until the last minute to announce the price

  8. Mr. Jules Stracke says:

    The problem with Xbox One is they went backwards instead of forwards when it came to how games are played. the term ( Next Gen ) was adopted when they announced Xbox One and PS4. Yet Xbox when shipped to retail could not hit the bench mark 1080p native on 95% of the games created. On top of that they completely failed on adding the codec required to play games in Dolby Digital 5.1 via. HDMI. Add that on top of the proprietary USB interface which only included one USB side port for wired connection leaves me to believe they had no Idea what they were doing during development. Even today 6 months after Rock Band 4 was released there is still no available support for e/Kit drums. This failure on MS part has cost them one of the better IP's out there. RB1 through RB3 was a major sucess for Xbox 360 and continues to benefit from sales online. 3rd party support for USB controllers and devices such as headsets cost publishers a licensing fee so outrageous that most companies bow out. The PS4 is a siimple plug and play any USB device. Microsoft has a lot of material to learn from and hopefully they will be more flexible when it comes to the next console if…there is even a next console. The XBONE may be the nail in the coffin. Sad Sad Sad.

  9. Alek Harber says:

    LAN parties wouldn't be as rare if PC games would allow more LAN options rather than having to be connected to steam and using the servers the games provide. All the DRM mess too. The good ol' days of LAN parties…RIP

  10. Prof. Luna Russel says:

    Except the Xbox 360 wasn't an x86 PC. Which is what makes it harder to be backwards compatible. Though it should make it easier to be backwards compatible with the original Xbox games…..

  11. Miss Josianne Bashirian says:

    Who cares they blew it, Microsoft wont be getting our money a kinect that wont do video chat inside the xbox one( shamefull )whats the point of even ………… its disgracefull, Conning people with the msn internet video it dosent do video chat on the xbox am i missing something yes video chat the ps3 yes that old thing dose it and its free online so why bother, (exactly dont bother) if you have one then sell it before its worthless the dash board is like a dogs breakfast Xbox one needs to call it a day a free game just wont cut it anymore garbage, marks out of 10 nothing it gets nothing it deserves nothing shitbox. Its over xbox one and windows 10 have been set up bye Bully boys and spoilt brats with issues get lost im pushing this one right out the door and into the bin, and xbox one im giving the money when its sold to cancer research shamefull American Company Feed the Greed it will choke you all how much lower can you get with your horseshit Bad name bad reputation just plain rotten xbox live is now xbox dead shit products with shit attitude.

  12. Tamia Dietrich Sr. says:

    When Xbox 1 came out, I sent a letter to Microsoft letting them know that the lack of backward compatibility would keep us from buying the new system because my son would want to continue to play games that his friends played on the 360 . . . a lot of kids can't afford to replace their 360 and their games. I also mentioned that families like mine would be willing to pay a premium for a premium device. We just purchased for xmas the xbox 1 elite and gladly paid a premium for the controller and hybrid drive. What I find cheesy is the huge separate pawer supply . . . it should have been incorporated in the xbox 1 case. Now . . . If xbox had offered an elite ++ that had an nvidia 980 and raid SSD . . . we would have been willing to spend more for faster speed and better graphics. I think there is a real market for premium products and if Microsoft want to tap the premium market in a big way . . . they really should offer truly premium products. Imagine a $1500 premium Xbox1 with a premium case, controllers, memory and graphics that was backwards compatible, and 4K . . . obviously many couldn't afford the premium product but would choose to purchase upgrades over time . . similar to PC gaming.

  13. Miss Ethelyn Leffler says:

    Hopefully Internet connections will be good enough to download 100+GB games on a regular basis by then and the next system has a massive hard drive.

  14. Seth Kulas says:

    But who will build that for them, Sony?

  15. Prof. Frankie Beatty III says:

    Making the next Xbox open source and or including the option to upgrade hardware along the way without having to replace the entire system would handicap Sony. M$ is a software company first. Continue with digital/hard disk options for now. Push for developers to increase single player story lines on their games, backwards compatibility, scrap anything related to always on, embrace and encourage mods both hardware and software related, integrate more M$ servers for game developers, decrease Xbox Live service, reward gamers who achieve legit rankings and achievement progress with discounts on future purchases through Xbox digital services and more console specific games.

    If achievement progress could be monitored to only include those achievements earned while connected to Live the progress for gamers could be rewarded with monetary discounts off of digital download purchases and subscription renewals.

    Whether or not it's M$'s fault the average gamer who plays attributes all problems they experience when playing games with the console manufacture and not the game developer. The game developer gets overlooked for the errors and problems. Unless you spend the money to educate the market (not wise) M$ should use their own servers to enhance those servers of developers.

    Clearly the hardest problem in all of this is to get the developers on board.

  16. Jody Murazik says:

    Neither system was next gen.

    Sure Ps3 to ps4 was a big upgrade, but 360 to Xbone was not.

    And until the owners are allowed to upgrade graphics, n memory, it will still be 5-8 years behind the PC on launch.

  17. Meagan Flatley says:

    Microsoft are working on being able to stream your home Xbox anywhere you like so you wont need your disks.I dont use disks now I just take an external hard drive to a mates place.

  18. Amari Hyatt DDS says:

    My 2015 Laptop can play games from the 80s. Backward compatibility is not impossible, especially since the Xbox One is pretty much an x86 PC.

  19. Darlene Schneider DVM says:

    Huh, where do you live since you do not have a 100 mbit Internet connection? :p

  20. Mrs. Janis Crona III says:

    Yeah really, the original Xbox was closer to a high specs PC at the time lol.

  21. Riley Hudson says:

    Sean, chill out and relax. You're talking about a 20 year old game console. Where the hell have you been all this time? If you were locked up, I will inform you that the current Sony game console is the PS4 and it's not having any problems with the power supply built inside. If Sony can do it, then I can't see why Microsoft is not doing it, too. It's time to get rid of that cumbersome power brick.

  22. Blake Bayer says:

    If the next xbox goes discless and goes the Steam rout with Windows 10 UI, Sony will surely win next gen also…

  23. Prof. Rosemarie VonRueden says:

    next xbox needs have graphics that can drive vr headset and 4K tv as minimum

  24. Dr. Jessie Keeling Jr. says:

    I meant Playstation and Xbox they haven't been announced. Nintendo is probably a stronger console but it just lacks in the amount of games on the platform which doesn't encourage interest from other people Nintendo has also got free online and most of the old parts from the old wii are compatible with the new console if all the games on Playstation and xbox were on Nintendo everyone would use it.

    A decade= 10 years the standard support cycle not the predicted EOL for a console.

    A next gen=100 years.

    Next gen exists but what some don't realise is though we are seeing things now the next generation isn't until 2100.
    people on newer consoles slagging off people on previous releases is a load of rubbish, because last gen would be 1900-2000. Nowadays anything after that is considered to be modern tech and that's true we have been seeing huge advances from at least 20 years.
    But has anybody noticed a huge difference from the consoles we had from around to 2006 2007 and the ones we have from 2013? umm not really. I mean some developers still make games for PS3 and 360 and they still have life left in them.

    Nintendo have created a new console their last console was around 2006 It's the same with PS3 and 360
    PS3 2007,
    360 2006, they're almost a decade old, but because they were made within the 2000 range they are still this gen.

    It's a new console that you are able to download games ok maybe back in the 90s no one would have thought of that but from what we have seen in 2000 we kind of knew this was coming.

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