
Magic Lantern Has Officially Cracked Into the Canon 5D Mark IV

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Comments (19)
  1. Mattnik says:

    Old news

  2. Fred says:

    Has PP become a CR subsidiary? And btw, the news is 10 days old! Maybe you should get some “eagle eyes”, you clowns.

  3. adam juneau says:

    pls make ML for 1Dx mark 2?

  4. trusharp says:

    Am I the only one that thinks Canon are “aiding” magic lantern with these hacks, I mean it makes perfect sense when you think about it. Canon’s priority is to maximise profit (which is down 25% this year) and keep the product lines officially distinctive. Since the 5D is being shot down for its abysmal video features and somewhat standard stills ability, the big wigs have realised that a lot of the customers are starting to look at alternatives (probably even more so since the new bandgate sensor issue has surfaced). So rather than update the firmware officially, they allow magic lantern to do the dirty work quickly to stop the hemorrhaging and keep disgruntled video shooters happy and at the time free themselves of responsibility in case the solution is unreliable and potentially bricks the camera.

    Or maybe I’m reading into this too much.

    1. Hector says:

      I doubt they are aiding but they are not preventing either. It probably suits Canon. ML users are probably unlikely to buy higher end gear.

    2. Nem Tom says:

      yes, you do

  5. Wesley Coleman says:

    Could be a huge deal for videographers if they could change the file type away from the cumbersome Motion JPEG.

    1. Michael Andrew says:

      somehow i feel like they wont be able to accomplish this. Thats why Sony cameras overheat, and they are built to sense that. Canon might just fry up

  6. Fullstop says:

    Canon users rejoice! ML will put all of the features in your camera that should’ve been there in the first place!

    1. Azmodan says:

      Alas too many people are scared to use ML for fear it will void warranty or bork the camera. If you can get past that ML can open up a world of features that will amaze you. I remember how good the 1080p RAW video output was from the 5D3 (II?) with ML, simply amazing and yet here is Canon still crapifying it’s video to protect its cine line.

  7. Uneternal says:

    Can’t wait to see dual ISO capabilities of the 5DM4. Probably close to Nikon 810D/750D in terms of dynamic range if not even surpass it.

    1. Zos Xavius says:

      It already kind of does that in a way. One half of the dual pixels records information a stop darker. When you shoot in the extended raw mode you can split them in canon’s software. Dual ISO comes with some image quality limitations too doesn’t it? At least the last time I looked at it on the 5dmk2 ages ago it did.

    2. Paul-Simon says:

      RAW filming 😀

  8. Alaska says:

    good news for canon user… but bad news for nikon user:

    TOKYO — Nikon plans to eliminate about 1,000 jobs in Japan, or 10% of its domestic workforce, as the company shifts resources away from once core businesses to medical devices and other growth areas.

    The cuts over the next two to three years will mostly affect Nikon’s money-losing semiconductor equipment operations and its shrinking digital camera business.

    Nikon likely will offer early retirement to workers at facilities including its Kumagaya plant in Saitama Prefecture, northwest of Tokyo, which makes semiconductor lithography systems. Severance payments and other restructuring costs are expected to total hundreds of millions of dollars over two to three years.

    Nikon is seen missing its forecast of a 64% jump in net profit to 30 billion yen ($287 million) for the fiscal year ending in March. Its net profit has fallen from a peak of 75.4 billion yen in fiscal 2007 to 18.2 billion yen last year.

    1. Fullstop says:

      This should be it’s own article but thank you for sharing. Nikon has refused to court the video industry at all and that can’t help as people want cameras that can do both and lenses that they can use for both.

    2. Paul-Simon says:

      What does this have to do with magic lantern
      What a strange post

      1. Alaska says:

        don´t be puzzled.. it´s just too much for you small brain.

        1. Kel says:

          Lol Says the retarded dipshit who doesn’t realize why his comment doesn’t belong here and gets butthurt when he’s called out on it.

        2. NuyaBizness says:

          ADD presents itself in the strangest places.

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