Android 7: release date, news and rumorsUpdate: The Android N release date is likely to be several months from now, but the first several features of the mobile operating system update are here tod…
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iPhone 7 release date, news and rumors
iPhone 7 release date, news and rumorsUpdate: Maybe it won’t be waterproof overall – the latest report suggests the iPhone 7 will have a similar design the iPhone 6S, but will be slight…
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge release date, news and features
Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge UPDATE: Our full, in-depth Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge review is now liveThe Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge is a big upgrade over last year’s S6 Edge, with nearly every element alte…
Surface Pro 5 release date, news and rumors
Surface Pro 5 featuresThe impressive (if a bit troubled) Surface Pro 4 is only a few months old, so naturally we technology lovers are already thinking about the fifth edition of Microsoft’s …